Sunday morning, I was up bright and early to tackle the tiny mess I made for myself as the tray of epoxy I was using decided to cook off as I was applying it.
Lessons learned:
- Take the epoxied parts in sections. Don't try to do the whole thing in one shot.
- Apply fast, smooth out later.
- Don't worry about the little drips, fibers, etc., they'll sand right out.
So I sanded. And sanded. And sanded some more. First with the orbital, then going back in with a rubber block and 80 grit, then finally just using my hands and a sheet of wet/dry 80 grit.
First one half. Then the other. All the high spots blended in, the lip of the hull and deck sanded square, the keels both agonized over until they're mirror smooth.
Then it was all warshed down with water and a deck brush, left to dry and then wiped down with acetone. While it dried, I caught up on the Vikings game and got some texts from my good buddy about the shift in luck they had this morning on a passing flock over their blind. Sounds like they'll be cooking some Canada's soon!
Once the game was over, it was time to start the second coat of epoxy. I prepped everything laboriously, now knowing more of the exact proportion of barrier additive to resin, and also knowing it would be a lot smarter to do one half of the hull at a time instead of trying to cover everything with one coat.
It took 17 total fl. oz. of resin, hardener and barrier additive to fully cover one half of the hull. The coat went on much more evenly this time, as I worked everything in quickly, deciding to go back and smooth everything down once everything was laid down instead of trying to blast it all out at once.
After the other half was coated, I went back and touched up any pinholes or otherwise uncovered spots with a chip brush and leftover epoxy.
I then spent a good half hour going over the epoxy with a foam roller, smoothing things out as it got tacky, letting it level as much as it was going to. I have to say - the results of the second coat have me very satisfied. It should just take a once over with a sanding sponge to get this thing "Like New" smooth.
Blowhole secure. |
That sucks. He'll forever be a passenger on "The Bad Kitty" |
Front. |
Back. |
Aside from creating a gigantic fly strip, I am ready for the next steps of completing the hull. A quick sanding (to rid the surface of any errant high spots, dried up dead bugs, little fuzzies, etc.) washing and then applying the Gator Glide - which is now set to show up Wednesday. Perfect timing - it'll give this last coat a chance to cure.
There are absolutely no visible scratches, crazing or blistering. I am very satisfied with the results of Sunday's efforts.